E. Mehdizadeh and S. Pourkamali, “Integrated MEMS Actuators for Sub-Micron Patterning on Thin Polymer Films,” The 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2014.
E. Mehdizadeh and S. Pourkamali, “Deep Submicron Parallel Scanning Probe Lithography using Two DOF MEMS Actuators with Integrated Nano-Tips,” Micro & Nano Letters, Vol. 9, No. 10, pp. 673–675, 2014.
O. Brand and S. Pourkamali, “Thermal Devices,” Resonant MEMS: Principles, Modeling, Implementation and Applications Series “Advanced Micro & Nanosystems” (AMN) Wiley VCH, 2013, In Press.
E. Mehdizadeh, V. Kumar, and S. Pourkamali, “High-Q Lorentz Force MEMS Magnetometer with Internal Self-Amplification”, To be presented at 2014 IEEE Sensors.
Xiaobo Guo, Emad Mehdizadeh, Varun Kumar, Aliraza Ramezany and Siavash Pourkamali, “An Ultra High-Q Micromechanical In-plane Tuning Fork”, To be presented at 2014 IEEE Sensors
M. Mahdavi, G. Guerra, H. McCurry, Reza Abolvand, and S. Pourkamali, “Piezoelectric Resonant MEMS Balances with High Liquid Phase Q”, To be presented at 2014 IEEE Sensors.
E. Mehdizadeh, M. Rostami, X. Guo, and S. Pourkamali, “Atomic Resolution Disk Resonant Force and Displacement Sensors for Measurements in Liquid,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol 35, No. 8, pp 874-876, August 2014.
E. Mehdizadeh, A. Rahafrooz, and S. Pourkamali, “Self-Controlled Fabrication of Single-Crystalline Silicon Nanobeams using Conventional Micromachining,” Nanotechnology 25, 315303, pp1-7, July 2014.
E. Mehdizadeh, J. C. Chapin, J. M. Gonzales, A. Rahafrooz, R. Abdolvand, By. W. Purse, and S. Pourkamali, “Microelectromechanical disk resonators for direct detection of liquid-phase analytes,” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 216, pp. 136–141, September 2014.
E. Mehdizadeh, V. Kumar, and Siavash Pourkamali, “Sensitivity Enhancement of Lorentz Force MEMS Resonant Magnetometers via Internal Thermal-Piezoresistive Amplification,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 268–270, February 2014.