Xiaobo Guo was born in Shijiazhuang, China. He received his B.S. degree in Aircraft Design and Engineering and M.S. degree in Solid Mechanics both from the Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China, in 2007 and 2010, respectively. He is expected to get the Ph.D. degree in August 2013 at the Department of Mechanical and Material Engineering, University of Denver, Denver. Currently, he is working as a Visiting Lab Assistant under the supervision of Dr. Siavash Pourkamali in the µnX lab at the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas. His research interests are mainly related to the study of the multi-physical problems in micro electromechanical systems using experimental and numerical methods.
Journal Papers:
- Emad Mehdizadeh, Melika Rostami, Xiaobo Guo, and S. Pourkamali, “Atomic Resolution Disk Resonant Force and Displacement Sensors for Measurements in Liquid,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, in press, 2014
- Xiaobo Guo, Yun-bo Yi, and Mecija Kumosa, “A reduced computational model for prediction of electrical resistance in fibrous composites”, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, in press, 2014.
- Xiaobo Guo and Yun-bo Yi. “Suppression of thermoelastic damping in MEMS Beam resonators by piezoresistivity,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 333, no. 3, pp. 1079-1095, 2014.
- Xiaobo Guo, Yun-bo Yi and Siavash Pourkamali. “A finite element analysis of thermoelastic damping in vented MEMS beam resonators,” International Journal of Mechanical Science, 2013, vol. 74, pp. 73-82, 2013.
- Xiaobo Guo, Yun-bo Yi and Siavash Pourkamali. “Thermal-piezoresistive resonators and self-sustained oscillators for gas recognition and pressure sensing,” (Invited paper) IEEE Sensors Journal, 2013, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 2863-2872, 2013.
- Zhiyuan Huang, Yazhi Li, and Xiaobo Guo, “Fatigue life prediction of composite laminates incorporating 3D stress analysis,” Acta Materiae Composite Sinica (AMCS, in Chinese), 2010, 27(1), p 173-178.
- Yazhi Li, Xiaobo Guo and Zhiyuan Huang, “3D stress analysis of composite laminate based on a kind of interfacial element,” Acta Materiae Composite Sinica(AMCS, in Chinese), 2009, 26(3), p 207-212.
Conference Proceedings:
- V. Kumar, M. Mahdavi, X. Guo and S. Pourkamali, “Ultra Sensitive Lorentz Force MEMS Magnetometer with Pico-Tesla Limit of Detection”,To be presented at IEEE MEMS 2015.
- M. Maldonado Garcia, E. Mehdizadeh, V. Kumar, J.C Wilson and S. Pourkamali, “Chip Scale Aerosol Impactor With Integrated Resonant Mass Balances For Real Time Monitoring of Airborne Particulate Concentrations”, To be presented at IEEE MEMS 2015.
- Xiaobo Guo, Emad Mehdizadeh, Varun Kumar, Alireza Ramezany and Siavash Pourkamali, “An Ultra High-Q Micromechanical In-plane Tuning Fork”, To be presented at 2014 IEEE Sensors
- Emad Mehdizadeh, Melika Rostami, Xiaobo Guo and Siavash Pourkamali. “Resonant MEMS for high resolution atomic force and displacement measurement in liquid,” Presented in Hilton Head 2014.
- Aliraza Ramezany, Mohammod Mahdavi, Xiaobo Guo and Siavash Pourkamali. “Resonant M/NEMS piezoresistors for narrow-band electronic amplification,” In pro. Hilton Head 2014.
- Emad Mehdizadeh, Xiaobo Guo, Arash Hajjam, Amir Rahafrooz and Siavash Pourkamali. “Nano-precision force and displacement measurement using MEMS resonant structures,” In pro. IEEE Sensors, Baltimore, Otc. 2013.
- Xiaobo Guo, Amir Rahafrooz, Yun-bo Yi and Siavash Pourkamali. “Self-Sustained Micromechanical Resonant Pressure Sensors,” Presented in IEEE Sensors 2012, Taibei, Oct. 2012.
- Xiaobo Guo, Amir Rahafrooz, Yun-bo Yi and Siavash Pourkamali. “Gas sensing using thermally actuated dual plate resonators and self-sustained oscillators,” Presented in IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Baltimore, May 2012.