Emad Mehdizadeh

Emad MehdizadehEmad Mehdizadeh was born in Shirvan, Iran. He received his BS and MS in mechanical engineering from Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran in 2007 and 2010, respectively. He is currently pursuing his PhD in electrical engineering at University of Texas at Dallas under the supervision of Dr. Siavash Pourkamali in µnX lab. His current research interests are in the areas of MEMS resonant sensors, tip-based batch nanofabrication and microrobotics. Emad is a 2011-2012 recipient of Graduate Studies Fellowship for Inclusive Excellence at the University of Denver.




Journal Papers

  1. E. Mehdizadeh and S. Pourkamali, “Deep Submicron Parallel Scanning Probe Lithography using Two DOF MEMS Actuators with Integrated Nano-Tips,” Micro & Nano Letters, Vol. 9, No. 10, pp. 673–675, 2014.
  2. E. Mehdizadeh, M. Rostami, X. Guo, and S. Pourkamali, “Atomic Resolution Disk Resonant Force and Displacement Sensors for Measurements in Liquid,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, In Press.
  3. E. Mehdizadeh, A. Rahafrooz, and S. Pourkamali, “Self-Controlled Fabrication of Single-Crystalline Silicon Nanobeams using Conventional Micromachining,” Nanotechnology, In Press.
  4. E. Mehdizadeh, J. C. Chapin, J. M. Gonzales, A. Rahafrooz, R. Abdolvand, By. W. Purse, and S. Pourkamali, “Microelectromechanical Disk Resonators for Direct Detection of Liquid-Phase Analytes,” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 216, pp. 136–141, September 2014.
  5. E. Mehdizadeh, V. Kumar and Siavash Pourkamali, “Sensitivity Enhancement of Lorentz Force MEMS Resonant Magnetometers via Internal Thermal-Piezoresistive Amplification,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 268–270, February 2014.
  6. M. Vahabi, E. Mehdizadeh, M. Kabganian, and F. Barazandeh, “Experimental Identification of IPMC Actuator Parameters through Incorporation of Linear and Nonlinear Least Squares Methods,” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 168, no. 1, pp. 140–148, July 2011.
  7. M. Vahabi, E. Mehdizadeh, M.  Kabganian, and F. Barazandeh, “Modelling of a Novel In-Pipe Microrobot Design with IPMC Legs” Proc. IMECHE, Part I: J. Systems and Control Engineering, vol. 225, no. 1, pp. 63–73, February 2011.

Refereed Conference Papers

  1. V. Kumar, M. Mahdavi, X. Guo, E. Mehdizadeh and S. Pourkamali, “Ultra Sensitive Lorentz Force MEMS Magnetometer with Pico-Tesla Limit of Detection”, Award Winner, IEEE MEMS 2015.
  2. M. Maldonado Garcia, E. Mehdizadeh, V. Kumar, J.C Wilson and S. Pourkamali, “Chip Scale Aerosol Impactor With Integrated Resonant Mass Balances For Real Time Monitoring of Airborne Particulate Concentrations”, IEEE MEMS 2015.
  3. E. Mehdizadeh and S. Pourkamali, “Integrated MEMS Actuators for Sub-Micron Patterning on Thin Polymer Films,” The 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2014.
  4. E. Mehdizadeh, V. Kumar, and S. Pourkamali, “High-Q Lorentz Force MEMS Magnetometer with Internal Self-Amplification”, IEEE Sensors 2014.
  5. Xiaobo Guo, Emad Mehdizadeh, Varun Kumar, Alireza Ramezany and Siavash Pourkamali, “An Ultra High-Q Micromechanical In-plane Tuning Fork”, IEEE Sensors 2014.
  6. E. Mehdizadeh, M. Rostami, X. Guo, and S. Pourkamali, “Resonant MEMS for Ultra-High Resolution Force and Displacement Measurements in Liquid,” Hilton Head 2014.
  7. E.Mehdizadeh, and S. Pourkamali, “High Throughput Deep Submicron Scanning Probe Lithography using Two DOF MEMS Actuators with Integrated Nano-Tips”, IEEE NEMS-2014.
  8. E.Mehdizadeh, V. Kumar and Siavash Pourkamali, “Characterization of a Nanoparticle Collector with Embedded MEMS-Based Mass Monitors”, IEEE NEMS-2014.
  9. E. Mehdizadeh, A. Hajjam, A. Rahafrooz and S. Pourkamali, “Nano-precision force and displacement measurement using MEMS resonant structures,” IEEE Sensors 2013.
  10. E. Mehdizadeh, V. Kumar, J. Gonzales, R. Abdolvand, and S. Pourkamali, “A Two-Stage Aerosol Impactor with Embedded MEMS Resonant Mass Balances for Particulate Size Segregation and Mass Concentration Monitoring”, IEEE Sensors 2013.
  11. E. Mehdizadeh and S. Pourkamali, “Two Degrees-of-Freedom Thermally Actuated Nano-Positioner with Integrated Nano-Tips For Scanning Probe Nanolithography,” Proceedings of Nanomechanical Sensing Workshop, 2013.
  12. A. Iqbal, J. Chapin, E. Mehdizadeh, B. Purse, and S. Pourkamali, “Resonant response validation of micro-channel encapsulated disk resonators via fluorescent imaging,” International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, 2013.
  13. E. Mehdizadeh, J. Chapin, J. Gonzales, R. Abdolvand, B. Purse, and S. Pourkamali, “Response characterization of piezoelectric rotational mode disk Resonant biomolecular Sensors,” International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, 2013.
  14. E. Mehdizadeh, J. C. Wilson, A. Hajjam, A. Rahafrooz, and S. Pourkamali, “Aerosol Impactor with Embedded MEMS Resonant Mass Balance for Real-Time Particulate Mass Concentration Monitoring,” International Conference on Solid State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems (Transducers), 2013.
  15. A. Iqbal, J. Chapin, E. Mehdizadeh, A. Rahafrooz, B. Purse, S. Pourkamali, “Real-Time Bio-Sensing Using Micro-Channel Encapsulated Thermal-Piezoresistive Rotational Mode Disk Resonators,” IEEE Sensors Conference, 2012.
  16. E. Mehdizadeh, J. Chapin, J. Gonzales, A. Rahafrooz, B. Purse, R. Abdolvand, and S. Pourkamali, “Direct Detection of Biomolecules in Liquid Media Using Piezoelectric Rotational Mode Disk Resonators,” IEEE Sensors Conference, 2012.
  17. E. Mehdizadeh, J. Gonzales, A. Rahafrooz, R. Abdolvand, and S. Pourkamali, “Piezoelectric rotational mode disk resonators for liquid viscosity monitoring,” Hilton Head 2012.
  18. Mehdizadeh, E., Kabganian, M., Kazemi, R., “A new force feedback for SbW vehicles via virtual vehicle concept”, 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, December 1215, 2011, Orlando, FL, USA.
  19. Vahabi, M., Mehdizadeh, E., Kabganian, M., Barazandeh, F., “Design and Modeling of a Novel In-Pipe Microrobot using IPMC Actuators”, Proceedings of 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, July 12-14, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
  20. Vahabi, M., Mehdizadeh, E., Kabganian, M., and Barazandeh, F., “Identification of and IPMC Actuator Model using Incorporating Nonlinear and Linear Least Squares Method”, Proceedings of 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, July 12-14, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.